Hello, Weary Travelers, and welcome to the Come & Go Tavern! Whether you came here from Twitch, Twitter, or just wandered in off the dusty road, you can feel free to grab a seat, order a drink, and take in a show. We hope you'll enjoy your stay, and that you might find some pleasant company while you're here. We are a full service tavern, after all.

What's on the menu?

Here's the tavern's regular menu! We do have a few extra seasonal options and some things that crop up based on what the local farms are growing, but you'll have to ask about those specials when you come in!

Come & Go Logo

We are aware that the text is a bit small on some screens, and are working on a new menu that's more legible on handheld devices. Thanks for your patience until we get that going!

Who's on the menu?

Artist: FoxPirateAce

Many of the staff at the Come & Go pull dual or even triple duty, waiting tables, working the stage, and giving a more "personal" form of service. Check out their profiles to see if anyone might be right for you!

Sheela Ornthalas

Sheela is the owner and hostess of the Come & Go. While she's no longer available for "personal services," she does sometimes still perform on stage.For more info about her, click the button below.

Full Staff Menu Coming Soon!

Basic Character Info

Full Name
Sheela Ornthalas née Moneyfuel née Saltypinch
Madam, Adult Entertainer (Dancer), Professional Lover (Retired)
Personality Traits
Mom Friend, Likes to Help People, Insatiably Curious
Physical Description
Three foot round with poppy-red hair, chartreuse green skin that's covered in freckles, and eyes that vary from mulberry purple to goldenrod depending on how much magic she has coursing through her. Shaped like a fertility idol, and flaunts it unapologetically.

Artists: FoxPirateAce, Cocky, HypnaPomp (pieces 3-4), Myrthrae

This is just the surface level stuff and there's more art to be seen as well! If you're looking for Sheela's life story and pics of her with her family, click the Detailed Info button below.
If you're looking for something more related to her career as a professional lover, however, it's hidden behind the NSFW Gallery button. Please only click it if you are 18+ and want to see art of that nature.

Detailed Info

Sheela was born in a small mining town named after her family. Between the misfortune of being the daughter of the local patriarch and having a bodytype that was destined for fullness, she was first in line to be the next clan matron.
After a seemingly dutiful youth being trained to be the perfect bride for whoever would be the leader's successor, however, she was discovered to have been taking a number of people into her bed who were not her betrothed. Faced with becoming a sacrifice to the god her clan worshipped, she reflexively defended herself, calling upon powerful magic and escaping in an explosive fashion.
After that, the little lady's path took many twists and turns, some dangerous, most tawdry.
Once on the road, she used her training to become a dancer and professional lover of some note. The following decade contained more than just work, though. Between the occasional bit of political intrigue, time spent as an archaeologist & translator, a chance meeting with a nascent god, and playing a part in a political revolution, Sheela's career as a streetwalker was anything but boring.
These days, Sheela runs an tavern/brothel known as the Come & Go in the small town of Hope. People of all races, persuasions, and creeds are welcome there because she sees no reason to exclude anyone as long as they aren't hurting anyone else.

Come & Go Logo

Extended Physical Description
At three foot round, Sheela is extra short, even for a goblin. She makes up for this lack of height by being abundant in every other aspect, however.
Generally, she keeps her floor-length poppy-red hair up in a pair of buns for the sake of cleanliness, but it comes down for special performances.
Her face is almost always graced by a contagious shark-toothed grin. If this is accompanied by a twinkle of mischief in her golden eyes, it's a sure sign that the fun is about to start.
Though she was always a shapely, if somewhat top-heavy, woman, having children further enhanced the little lady's figure. It did not, however, grant her even a shred of modesty. Despite being a mother, Sheela's everyday clothing is still scandalously cut, while the costumes she wears during performances are rumored to have influenced the public decency laws of a few towns.

Sheela Reference

Artist: FoxPirateAce

Sheela met Vyy Ornthalas in a chance encounter at an inn, and they subsequently went on a few adventures together. Just under a year later, they were married, and a few months after that, their love was further blessed with their quintuplets.
Vyy is a soft spoken elf who plays a wide variety of string instruments, though his favorite way of entertaining is through storytelling.
When he and the little lady perform together, he usually plays either lute or hurdy-gurdy, while Sheela dances and uses her magic to provide a percussion background.
Sheela & Vyy's kids are (in order of birth) Dher, Thatoryl, Lilah, Lafaralyn, and Lynn.

Artists: FoxPirateAce (pieces 1-2), Silent Songs (pieces 3-4), HypnaPomp (pieces 5-6)

NSFW Bumper

Final warning for those under 18 or who just don't want to see naughty bits!
Most of the art is tasteful nudes, but there's a rather passionate one of Sheela with Vyy, so be warned!
Click through one last time if you're 18+ and that sound's like your jam, or you can use the buttons in the header to navigate away.

NSFW Gallery

Welcome to the 18+ gallery! After that bumper page, you can't say we didn't warn you.
Speaking of "bumps," enjoy Sheela's curves in all their glory!

Artists: FoxPirateAce (pieces 1-6), Chibi Chaser, HypnaPomp (pieces 8-9), Cocky


The Come & Go, the town of Hope, and all of the characters therein are part of the World of Vaenia. You can can find out more, and even read a huge archive of stories set in this world at the website below.

If you're specifically interested in having some adventures in the World of Vaenia, you can! The 5e campaign setting currently offers eight new or reworked races, five new classes, three new subclasses for existing classes, an entire continent's worth of new locations, and nine new pantheons, with a healthy helping of new items and some new enemies as well. You can find out more by clicking the button below.

Socials & Contact

We've got a few official social media accounts, too!
If you've got any questions, feel free to contact us at any of them!